All posts by martinallandod

Worming Woodpecker

Our local Greater Spotted mum has already demolished various nestboxes, but she is now pecking into our lawn all day for squishy morsels to feed her brood. I haven’t seen these birds do this before. The nest is in a dead tree just behind our rear fence and it’s full of noisy neighbours!

Sounds of Happy Valley

Apart from the magnificent bluebells display there, it’s also great place for birdsong in May. Amongst the common usuals (did I just say that??? – tsch!) we also heard 3 to 4 Redstarts, a distant Cuckoo and oberved the song and ‘parachute’ display of the delightful Tree Pipit!

Fighting Dippers!

During a nice afternoon stroll along the Marteg river at Gilfach I suddenly heard a screechy commotion close by: there were 2 Dippers having a serious tussle with locked talons, right there in the water, oblivious to anything else. One bird briefly pulled free and flew off, followed by the other and they continued fighting a bit further along until I lost sight of them. Phew, well that was a first!


‘Parliament’ will be sitting soon… 🙂 a few rooks are teaming up and beginning to renovate and rebuild their nests at the rookery near the lakeside restaurant. This is such a nice time of year, to see nature beginning to wake up after winter – bit by bit, here & there, out & about.

Kingfisher at Llandod lake

It was our lucky day! A kingfisher was flying along the shoreline and perching near the woodside fishing platforms this morning. Also 6 goosanders – 2 males 4 females. Goldfinches flitting about in the trees. Song-wise things are getting more lively, with robins, dunnocks, the odd song thrush, collared dove and nuthatch, also blackbirds getting territorial with loud alarm calls about nothing in particular. Anybody heard a mistle thrush yet, or are they caught in killer nets above Cyprus or Malta again?

Things are singing in the rain.

At last, I heard my first Mistle whistle down by the lake! Our local parliament of Rooks have begun renovating last year’s nests, generating a nice croaky sort of hubbub. Collared Doves are cooing, Dunnocks sing along in with the the ever present Robins and the odd Coal Tit peet-choo. The Mallards marriage market is also in full swing with much communal circling, whistling and chest raising. Was there a distant glimpse of a Great Crested Grebe on the water, or is that an early fancy? I’ll wait until Kev’s latest.

Still a few bird sounds

Spring concert has almost gone now but there are still a few sounds out there. Three young bullfinches were flitting about and wheezily yelling for food near the council buildings. A song thrush is still belting it out at the lakeside woods. Morning songs includes chirping sparrows, wood pigeons and collared doves. Chiffchaff still heard singing.