Get Involved

Radnor Bird Blog relies on your sightings to build up a picture of birdlife in the county, so let us know what’s out there!


To become a contributor, please sign up to WordPress (go to, then contact us to request an invite. One of our administrators will then contact you to sign you up, and you can then post your sightings directly.


If you have already registered and accepted an invitation from our adminsitrator:-

  • click on WRITE (at the top right of the screen)
  • enter the Post Title: where possible, please include species and location
  • enter text including any other relevant details (how many birds, location, date and time) or comments.
  • add one or more images if desired (please see our Terms of Use for notes on copywright). NB if uploading multiple images, please use one of the display options (menu to the right) – Tiled Mosaic for example.

Don’t forget to click ‘Publish Post’ to upload your post to the blog. NB all posts will be mirrored on the Radnor Bird Blog Facebook page.

Reporting your sightings to the blog does not equate to a report to the County Recorder.

Please note that we reserve the right not to publish any post without explanation. We would ask that you give consideration to the birds and refrain from reporting potential nesting sites which may be abused by those not interested in the birds themselves, rather their eggs. Please see our Terms of Use.

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